When we look at poor societies, or even much of Western Europe >100 years ago, we see vast swaths of the population with stunted physical growth suffering from preventable and treatable nutrient deficiencies. E.g., currently around 50-70% of people in Africa are anemic, in large part due too deficiencies in dietary iron [1].
In the same way, I'm wondering if at some point in the not-too-distant future we'll look back to today and see the mental health of whole populations as "malnourished", the psychological equivalent of mean population height being 5 feet tall.
In the same way, I'm wondering if at some point in the not-too-distant future we'll look back to today and see the mental health of whole populations as "malnourished", the psychological equivalent of mean population height being 5 feet tall.
[1] http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2008/9789241596657_eng...