That's a fair point, but they might just be put of luck. They'll have to live with world championships and similar. You can't exactly run a project at a multi billion dollar loss just because you want to be fair to a small number of people sadly.
> You can’t exactly run a project at a multi billion dollar loss
What is the cost of running the games though?
I assume (with absolutely no evidence) that the costs would be heavily skewed towards facilities setup and infrastructure. That’s a sunk fixed cost.
I’m sure there is a large security and labor cost when the games are going on. I assume this would be a variable cost that would be reduced without spectators.
If the majority of the cost has already been spent and it’s a relatively small (perhaps less than a few hundred million dollars) cost to conduct the games, why not go through with it? Maybe running a limited games could be a compromise?
I suppose all of the Tokyo 2020 merchandise is already written off and useless.
I acknowledge the whole calculus changes with public health and the pandemic. I’m addressing money as the issue.
Anyways I’m a huge fan of all Olympic events, and the Olympics is the only sporting event(s) I watch. I look forward to them when they come, so I’ll definitely be sad if it was all cancelled, and I’m definitely biased.