I'm not OP, but as someone who traveled for a few years without the goal of 'finding myself' i actually found the experience pretty transformative to my character.
Yes, Some of the more 'backpacky' memories do fade(might also have to do with the excessive drinking associated with it).
I still found that by immersing yourself in other cultures and ways of living you can gain more perspective about your own goals in life and your personal choices.
My experience has been similar. I found in the short term I too wasn't transformed but after 15 years it is more apparent that the small changes that did take place during my travels have greatly shaped my life. A few things I can think off of the top of my head are: 1) I own few very things 2) I am far more frugal (especially when it comes to food.) 3) I take risk. 4) I value friendships as a great source of happiness. Little of of this was in my upbringing.
I still found that by immersing yourself in other cultures and ways of living you can gain more perspective about your own goals in life and your personal choices.