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I won't defend their marketing practices, but I don't give a flying toss if they've made it harder for small businesses. The market changes, old businesses die and new ones are formed. Or are you one of the people who think we should subsidize old businesses so we don't "lose jobs" or whatever?

As for rational people caring wither Airbnb existed, I'm pretty rational and I think it's great. They've enabled a lot of microbusinesses. People who have a spare room can rent it out and make some extra cash. It allows people to travel more, and still make rent. It allows people to rent out space in tough times to make extra cash. It allows people to find cheap places to stay when they can't afford a hotel room.

I think it's done a lot of good. I'm confused where your negativity is directed. Are you just angry at them for spamming Craigslist?

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