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I'd agree with you on the psychotherapy thing. I'm currently in some pretty intense therapy and it's been really good. I would recommend it strongly to anyone who can afford someone they're willing to trust.

I can't tell from your response, though, if you had tried out SAM-e ? I called it a drug earlier, but it's currently sold as a (n admittedly pretty expensive) supplement. It's hard to find a research study that doesn't show a pronounced effect of the supplement over placebo -- in fact, it was my psychiatrist who recommended it to me (I had stopped taking the bupropion and things were getting pretty bad again).

I should add that the reason I stopped taking the bupropion was that I felt it "worked" by turning down the gain on the more critical parts of my mind, rather than allowing me to reinterpret my own critical thoughts. In other words, I felt like it improved my mood but made me a bit more dimwitted.

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