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Ask HN: Where can I find part-time dev jobs that will pay me $2k/week?
12 points by chovybizzass on March 7, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments
I live in SF Bay Area, CA USA. I'm looking to move out of this area but home prices require me make at least $4k/month for mortgage. I am not sold on the fulltime 40hour/week wage slave lifestyle.

Consulting jobs tend to come about through one's network of business contacts. Most of the consulting gigs I've picked up came by way of people I had worked with previously, or knew through the technical communities I've been involved in. It always helps to let people know what sort of project's you're interested or curious about. Consulting can be a great way to get paid to learn more about a topic you're interested in, but it can take some time to find the right match (which needs timing, project fit and financial fit). The more consulting you do, the better known your services will become.

What tech stack do you consult in? Do you have any industry/domain specific knowledge?

Low level systems "stuff" - Linux kernel, drivers, storage, networking, even some FPGA work. Even some telecom these days.

Very cool. I assume your skills are in great demand, vs a webdev like me :)

Thank you for taking the time to answer.

Typically you'll need to work 30 hours per week to get health insurance. That is 75% of the 40-hour week. Assuming you do that, and not treating holidays as anything special, here are the numbers:

You're seeking $66.67 per hour. It's $104354.29 per year. (75% of $139139.05 per year)

That seems a bit high for a front-end developer unless you stay in the SF Bay Area.

You can buy health insurance on the open market. You don’t need to get it thru your employer

Bring results and the people contracting you will not really care if you worked the full 8 hours or just 2.

Toptal pays exactly that to the intrinsically inferior - in their assessment - developers from Eastern Europe.

Since you are strictly more valuable by the virtue of living in the US, you will get an even better rate. You can find out the range of rates they pay online.

I've just built https://www.fourdayweek.io/

Software jobs with a better work / life balance

> I am not sold on the fulltime 40hour/week wage slave lifestyle.

You and me both, friend, but I think there's a lot of us that aren't doing 40hour/week because we want to, we're doing it because it's hard to find a part time gig that lucrative which is also reliable.

Yeah, I recall searching part time jobs that aren’t limited contracts a while back and they were mostly all internships.

All independent freelance US developer gigs. Pay $75/hr minimum. And many can pay $100/hr. That is the minimum you should bill out your time for.

From the pricing toptal charged us for part time USA based developers, I’d imagine you could make that through them even after their cut.

$2k per week part time and not in SF area? That's more than I make full time.

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