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This take was always problematic in my view. It's the reason that I had years of inherited servers with a proxy sitting in front of exchange that consistently broke things everywhere it was done. In practice, this exploit is just another in the line of exchange issues that would get forwarded directly through a proxy to the backend unchallenged. Meanwhile the only place I've heard of pushback against applying this patch, is the "but we have a proxy we're secure" crowd.

that's still a form of exposing microsoft stuff directly to the internet, in my view.

Are any other vendors better? I don’t think this is a MS issue.

much of the software and design for MS stuff is from a period in personal computer history when people weren't worrying as much about public internet style security problems, so it has always seemed to have been at a disadvantage in the internet era which they have fought hard to try and overcome, but nonetheless a lot of code and culture remains.

this affects not only the operating system and platform itself, but also major applications, development philosophies, major utilities and even the approaches used to operate it in production.

it's actually an interesting question, while internet security problems largely outmoded old pc inspired designs and product-market fit (the diy part time sysadmin), will they outmode the personal operation of any software... that is, will computer security problems grow to the point to where everything must be actively managed and defended?

I've heard there is a few Redhat servers on the internet

Which suffer just as many security issues if you try to do something complex with them.

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