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As mentioned in the other comment, emacs does those things, and so does Vim (with plugins of course).

I moved from sublime to atom to VS code, but eventually settled on Vim because I was able to get the same features (that I used) while getting almost instant response. A feeling that has completely changed how much I enjoy writing any sort of text.

I tried to move from VS Code to NeoVim with NerdTree and some other plugins to make it more IDE-like.

But eventually wasn't able to get the same code completion, and searching was also a bit more painful.

How do you go about that? Would you mind sharing your setup? :)

Hi, I use Neovim with basically the same features as VSCode. I made a video series on how to configure it: https://youtu.be/CcgO_CV3iDo?list=PLu-ydI-PCl0OEG0ZEqLRRuCrM...

Hey, thanks for this. I'm a long-time Vim user, but I've never gotten around to adding in some slick IDE-like featuers (I've made half an attempt to get code completions working, but often lose interest if it doesn't work first time).

The intro looks great I will definitely check this out.

Wow looks super promising. Definitely worths a try.

Thanks for sharing!

Write code in vim with no/few plugins. Don't worry about getting the variable names right. Then move to your IDE to get it to compile.

It's conceptually similar to sketching out the design of your code with a pen and paper or whiteboard. First write it quickly, then make it correct.

That's what you do? Why?

How is writing something in vim faster? You can have the same bindings in many IDEs.

This thread has been specifically about responsiveness. Latency, not throughput. Also, the bit about no plugins was a little white lie. I really meant "no plugins for IDE-like functionality (language server, etc)". While many IDEs offer basic vim keybindings, I don't know any that would let me import my .vimrc wholesale and work exactly the same. I'd love an IDE that embeds neovim as the text editor.

Anyway, if you don't care about all that, you can get a similar effect by turning off intellisense (or equivalent) in your IDE while you write, then turn it back on at the end to get what you just wrote to compile. I do this sometimes in Android Studio.

There is an IDE that embeds neovim as a text editor, kind of.

The VSCode Neovim extension makes neovim run as its backend, while giving you all the IntelliSense etc of VSCode. I can’t tell exactly you how it affects responsiveness as I only toy around with it, but it does feel noticeably better in some aspects...yet maybe occasionally glitchy?

Anyway it’s pretty interesting, especially if you’re already using neovim anyway.

The VsVim plugin for Visual Studio makes an attempt at supporting everything in the .vimrc (or _vimrc) file. Compatibility is not 100%, so certain things just fail, but it's a lot more than just basic key bindings.

Stop trying to use vim like your IDE. Vim doesn't have shortcuts, it has a whole language of commands that can freely be combined.

The vim plugin CoC uses the same engine for code completion as Code. It’s pretty trivial to set up.

For searching, use SilverSearcher / fzf

Yeah. LSP has changed a lot for me.

For C/C++, could use QT Creater or KDevelop too, which I think are pretty good in latency.

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