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> "In any case, the desire to kill an animal to show off one's hunting prowess is rather on a different level to biological needs. Nobody _needs_ to kill an animal for sport in order to stay alive. Everybody needs to eat. That is the ocean of difference I refer to in my comment."

This is the disconnect I'm confused by.

Nobody _needs_ to eat meat to stay alive either. Plenty of people survive just fine without doing so (vegetarians and vegans).

It'd be different if we did need meat to live, but we don't.

My comment was "Everybody needs to eat". We need to eat food to stay alive and meat is a very good kind of food. It doesn't have to be a choice of life and death, eat meat or die. As an analogy, you also don't _need_ to wash to survive, but it vastly improves your quality of life if you do.

As to vegetarians and vegans- while it's possible to maintain a healthy diet while being one or the other, it is much easier to do when eating some meat and animal products.

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