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Thank you!

Seems like you are the author of the book. Just wanted to say that this book makes me want to pick up Rust even though I have no specific goal for it, because the book is appealing in writing and appearance, layout and illustrations, ideas and execution.. basically good job and thank you!

One of two authors. I’ll share this with my co-author, thanks a ton :)

I'm also here to worship your work! The Rust book is one of my favorite documentations around, and just the other day I sent it to a colleague who was interested in learning Rust. Even though he only had experience in Typescript and Java, he made a working chess engine less than three days later.

Other co-author here, that's great to hear!!

I'm the other co-author, thank you for sharing this! It means a lot to me <3

I also enjoyed the Rust Book. Thanks so much for the effort you and your co-author put into the book. And thank you for your contributions to the Rust language and tooling. I learned Rust over the difficult last year. It brings me some joy and satisfaction.

Glad you like the book and Rust!! <3

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