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Nobody will pay for every small blog, recipe/repair tutorial/gardening tips website/YouTube channel. How much value do they bring to you ? How much would you pay for them? How would you know they're worth it without using them first, and why would they allow you to use them for free, when most users would be one-shot?

Please support Web Monetization.

I remember back when people put stuff on the internet for free because it was fun and they enjoyed sharing. I suppose the need for compensation has truly destroyed every good thing.

Exactly. Old web was the bees knees.

There was also significantly less stuff because hosting and hardware cost money.

Even with significantly less stuff there was more stuff than you could ever consume. In addition, the cost and barriers to hosting static content have fallen quite a bit since then, and the percentage of the human population that has access to the internet (and can thus participate in creation) has risen dramatically. An ad-free internet would not be starved for content.

With OnlyFans, Patreon and Twitters super follow we’re slowly finding ways to make the consumer/creator interaction more direct. It’s only a matter of time before something close to microtransactions pops out of these.

It’s interesting that influencer promotion is already out-of-band from general internet advertising. They are paid directly to promote products to people who have proactively followed/engaged with the influencer already.

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