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I’d cut them some slack, they seem like they’re just following the YC advice. Move fast, launch early. No reason to be a stickler about the rules.

Besides, tons of apps and services launch via testflight, gated betas/waitlist-then-interview. Superhuman, dispo, and clubhouse all did that strategy.

They follow one set of YC advice, but not another set of YC rules (what hpvic03 wrote). Although I do think YCnews takes Launch HN and Show HN differently. The first is only available to YC companies while Show HN is for anyone.

> Besides, tons of apps and services launch via [insert shitty "growth hacking" launch strategies]

Yeah, tons of them do but let's avoid that here if we're trying to keep the level a bit higher than just fad-of-the-day applications.

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