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While I'm not an expert in any of this, I'm primarily interested in Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT) because so many tools originally developed for algebraic geometry and algebraic topology have been successfully applied to logic and programming languages (e.g. categories, functors, natural transformations, monads, comonads, topoi) but homology and homotopy--core tools in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology--haven't been investigated to nearly the same degree in logic and computing. So even if HoTT isn't particularly compelling from the standpoint of pure foundations, I'm still excited for the work they are doing exploring these core tools in geometry in the context of logic and programming languages.

"Successfully applied" in what way?

Programmer warning: this is the math jargon heavy version, you don't need to know the math jargon to make use of these tools for writing day-to-day programs.

There are too many applications for me to do justice in one message and it is a bit messy because all of these are related, but there are roughly three ways that category theory gets applied to computing:

- Reasoning about data within computer programs. In "Generating Compiler Optimizations from Proofs" they make a category where the objects are a representation of expressions in programming languages and the morphisms are expression substitutions. They use this to build general proofs of correctness of compiler optimizations (http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~rtate/publications/proofgen/proofgen...)

- Looking at logics (and thus programming languages) as algebraic objects. Objects are propositions, morphisms are proofs that prove one proposition given assumed propositions. Similarly objects are types, morphisms are functions. That in some contexts these are the same thing is the famous (in programming language circles) Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence. https://existentialtype.wordpress.com/2011/03/27/the-holy-tr... For way more, see https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/relation+between+type+theory+a... A different version of this is specifying the mathematical meaning of program execution in terms of directed-complete partial orders which are fruitful to think of categorically. I think Category Theory for Computing Science is the most approachable starting place for that perspective (https://www.math.mcgill.ca/triples/Barr-Wells-ctcs.pdf)

- As core abstractions for programming. While you can reason about programs and programming languages with categorical tools, you can also use algebraic abstractions within programs. Functors, strong lax monoidal functors (called Applicative Functors in this context), and monads feature prominently in Haskell's standard library. Basic overview is here (https://wiki.haskell.org/Typeclassopedia). The default ones that Haskell uses are all defined as endofunctors on Hask (category of Haskell types and functions between them), so they look a bit funky to a mathematician, but there are other libraries with more mathematically-legible categorical tools as well. (Elsewhere in the thread, Iceland_jack linked to a discussion of one of his proposals: https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/eoo16m/base_catego...) It is also useful to describe data structures as initial F-algebras in order to abstract over the fold/reduce operation (https://blog.sumtypeofway.com/posts/introduction-to-recursio...). There is a ton more on The Comonad.Reader (http://comonad.com/reader/). For an extremely practical application of non-trivial categorical abstractions see: https://kowainik.github.io/posts/2018-09-25-co-log While I am heavy on the Haskell here because that's what I know best, people also use these abstractions in Ocaml, Scala, and other languages with enough functional and type-level infrastructure for them to be ergonomic to explicitly identify and abstract over.

Joseph Goguen also did a ton work applying category theory to computation that spans several of the above application types. A Categorical Manifesto is probably a good place to start and he cites a ton of papers in it that are good next steps. (https://cs.fit.edu/~wds/classes/cdc/Readings/CategoricalMani...)

Thanks. I ask that question a lot on here and I think your first bullet point is the first really substantive answer I've gotten. It's an interesting paper.

I don't have time to read the rest of your links, unfortunately. However, I'm uncomfortable appealing to Haskell (or Ocaml/Scala) as evidence that category theory provides core abstractions for programming. It's true in this context, but only because Haskell was designed to make it true. I am skeptical that category theory has much to say about practical work in the languages used by most programmers, like C, javascript, and python.

Anyway, about HoTT: I don't think it aims to accomplish what you want it to. Its primary concerns seem to be 1) formalized math and 2) serving as an alternative foundation to ZFC. But if it eventually does what you want, great!

I'm happy to hear that you found the first paper interesting!

While I agree that it is unlikely C and Python programmers will take up categorical abstractions any time soon, there is some interest from the JavaScript world. As an example of how this manifests this is a concurrency library (https://www.npmjs.com/package/fluture) and parser combinator library (https://www.npmjs.com/package/parsimmon) that are explicitly using built functors, applicatives and monads as programmatic abstractions. I don't think that this is going to be the mainstream of JavaScript in the near future, but it does suggest that some folks in the JavaScript world think that categorical abstractions are relevant to their practical work.

I also think it is the case that it is a bit strong to claim that Haskell was designed as a programming language for categorical abstractions because none of the ones that I mentioned were included in the initial design of the language. The Haskell 1.0 report[0] was published in 1990 and while it had typeclasses[1], the Functor and Monad typeclasses weren't added until the introduction of monadic IO for Haskell 1.3 in 1996[0]. Moggi's first paper on monads for computation[2] was in 1988, but to my knowledge no one involved in Haskell was introduced to it until several years later[4]. While applicative functors are in the middle of the popular hierarchy, they were the most recently introduced to functional programming. It took until 2008 for them to be explicitly identified as an interesting abstraction in "Applicative programming with effects"[3]. Making a language where programs compose nicely was an explicit design goal, so I don't think that it is a surprise that that's where category theory first landed as an explicit tool for programming abstractions. The categorical abstractions replaced non-categorical abstractions because they did a better job of solving the real problems that the people programming in these languages had, so I think it is a meaningful application of category theory to computing even if it hasn't happened yet in the mainstream of computer programming.

I agree with your assessment of HoTT as well. I'm not currently working on HoTT or on the use of homotopy and (co)homology as programming abstractions, so if they make some contributions to that on the way to their actual goals, I will be super happy.

[0] https://wiki.haskell.org/Language_and_library_specification [1] https://imgur.com/a/OS6yaSr [2] https://www.irif.fr/~mellies/mpri/mpri-ens/articles/moggi-co... [3] http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/Applicative.pdf [4] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/...

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