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That's funny given all the scammers they have accredited, ie. when your domain expires and goes under "infinite lock" because 2 registars lock it for as long as they can and then transfer it to the other.

This was my reaction. They've let cybersquatters go nuts ruining the domain registration system for years. UDRP is fine for big businesses but what about everyone else? Why do they allow companies to run bots on the dictionary and register thousands of names at wholesale rates that go years without an active site?

I spoke with Vint Cerf when he was the head of ICANN about GoDaddy's abusive policies that blocked customers from transferring domains, they went years without doing anything about that as well.

Peter Sunde is not the problem.

And don't get me started on the willingness of registrars to look the other way and pocket the cash when spammers register "word salad" domain names by the bajillion for their snowshoe[0] spam operations.

[0] https://www.spamhaus.org/faq/section/Glossary#233

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