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That's why only Europe has its cuisine based on grains. All other regions base their cuisine on either potatoes or rice.

Erm, what? Rice is a grain. What do you think they eat in the rest of the world exactly?

Pretty sure the Americas & Africa & half of Asia are rather fond of Wheat anyway.


Yes. Large parts of North and Central India eat wheat a lot, as chapati, roti, paratha, naan, bhatoora, poori, daliya (broken wheat), rava (semolina), etc. Even in South India a good amount of wheat is eaten as rava (rava upma and rava dosai), chapati, poori, parotta, etc.

Every region in the world that moved beyond the Mesolithic era have a "cuisine based on grains". It's an unfortunate side effect of civilisation.

Those poor Italians, living to 85...

Most of European diets are very potato heavy.

Potatoes are a staple in many European countries, and cuisine varies wildly between various European countries.

Rice is a grain.

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