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Lucidity might not be required. I once solved a math problem in a non-lucid dream, and after waking up I could confirm the solution was correct.

Sure. I've also had a couple non-lucid dreams where I've read a longish excerpt of text. (Memorable because of the extraordinary detail, and because it seemed original.) And I've certainly had non-lucid dreams where I've resolved abstract problems in some inarticulable, non-visual manner. And then there's the experience of your subconscious figuring something out and it pops into your conscious mind, which can happen when sleeping or awake.

I've had enough lucid dreams when I was kid to know the difference. These days lucid dreaming for me is rare and not deliberate--i.e. if I have the presence of mind to wake up in a dream, it's mostly by chance, not because I orchestrated it through habituation. It came mostly naturally as a kid, after I stumbled upon a reproducible technique. Adults usually have to practice at it, and I'm just too lazy (and too tired). The vast majority of my dreams now are non-lucid, or quasi-lucid (i.e. I'm not in deep sleep) such that I know it's not like a proper lucid dream. The experiences are quite different.

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