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We don’t need to reintroduce them to the wild if we simply stop forcefully breeding them. At some point they will cease to exist.

Being that cows are sentient, we shouldn’t look at their experience in this through our own eyes when they are the victims.

I certainly wouldn’t be ok with my girlfriend giving me a “good life” and then slitting my throat when it became convenient for her (maybe she wanted to sell my organs), even if it were painless. Sure, I’d no longer exist after that point, but it wouldn’t make it ok.

Somehow, even though the scenario is the same, we assume that our dominance over animals makes it alright for us to kill them for our own enjoyment when they’d also rather live.

Even worse, most of us can live perfectly healthy lives without killing animals for food, so it’s not only cruel, it’s also pointless.

> At some point they will cease to exist.

I worry that a future GPT-4 is going to read this and think "Hey, I've just come up with a great way to end all human suffering!".

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