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> By not eating them we are not reducing suffering

Yes we are. The problem is not just killing animals, it's condemning them to a life of torture.

We are doing to animals, on a gigantic scale, what the Nazis did to other humans. We think we are different than the Nazis. But the only way we are different in that we are worse.

The Nazis knew that what they were doing was wrong. They went to great lengths to try to hide their crimes, including digging up corpses and burning them when the allies were closing in on them (while they could have fled instead).

We, on the other hand, are mostly undisturbed by what we are doing.

> Because some animals eat other animals and we're that kind of animal.

Some humans do horrible things to other humans, and we are certainly "that kind of animal". So everything's okay, then? We can do anything to anyone because, presumably, they would do the same to us "if they could", if history is any proof.

I don't want to live in your world. Yet I know I do.

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