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> I think it's possible to care about both and not eating meat is a relatively easy way to reduce one.

The downsides make it considerably less than "easy". Easy is continuing with the status quo; and as that is certainly likely to be the case for billions of people who have no interest in your uber-rationalist argumentation, I can happily just continue as is, with zero impact to my life until some vociferous person tries to actually make it harder for us to get meat. Then you'll see some real pushback.

Go ahead and live in the pod and eat bugs; the rest of us who are interested in living well and reproducing won't miss you.

I did say “relatively” easy. Not just easy. It’s hard, I like eating and would rather eat meat than not.

Sometimes doing something you think is the right thing is harder than doing the status quo easy thing.

Humanity has changed over time though, and left behind other practices we now regret having done at all. I think that might be possible here too.

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