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> I, too, have gotten "do you still want to receive messages from this person" popup after removing a conversation. It exists.

That sounds like “do you want to block this person”, not “do you want to mark this as spam”. Blocking is separate functionality.

> If you send a lot of photos and videos - our family chat fills up with Lego creations and music practice clips - you can wind up with individual conversations eating up gigabytes of space.

General > iPhone Storage will prompt you to review and delete attachments from messages without deleting the whole conversations. You can also review and delete individual media types from the Messages subscreen. And of course you can delete attachments from the info screen of any conversation in Messages.

> Perhaps more than one person has made the same mistake with OP's wife's text messages?

Then this would be expected to be a widespread issue, not something that’s happened to one single person.

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