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I wrote AngularJS 1.x in TypeScript in an enterprise application. Being "stuck there" ("there" meaning pure JS for Angular 1.x) is a choice.

I took over a legacy AngularJS 1.x MEAN app early last year. One of the first things I did was to convert it from using Gulp to building the client with Create-React-App's build tooling:


That unlocked the ability to add React and TypeScript code embedded directly in the existing AngularJS UI, using the `react2angular` library, as a short-term migration approach. I was also able to migrate some of our existing AngularJS controllers and client logic to TS to get a bit more safety.

Since then, I've set up a new Next.js subproject that sits behind the existing Express app server, and was able to show content from Next by inserting iframes into the AngularJS templates and proxying those URLs from the Express app to the Next app. That's let us build new features from scratch inside of the Next codebase while showing them seamlessly in the AngularJS UI, giving us a long-term migration path.

I'll second that. We used AngularJS 1.x with TypeScript in an enterprise application.

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