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As an Eastern European programmer, I agree. A lot of us are called to fix messes left by primadona devs (who are taking home $200K a year for the privilege of making other people's lives a living nightmare).

To be fair, most of those "primadona devs", as you call them, would much prefer to write well-designed programs cleanly coded, but are given completely unreasonable timeframes and staffing then told to create an MVP then turn it over to offshore.

Very few people enjoy producing junk, but management (and customers) often demand junk today rather than quality tomorrow.

Primadona dev here :)

>> most of those "primadona devs", as you call them, would much prefer to write well-designed programs cleanly coded

Most of them - yes. But there's a non-negligible chunk of them who are too careless or incompetent to care about quality - they've been around long enough to gain knowledge about project and get Vice-President title(inflated ego included).

It is especially visible in big banks (I suppose it's typical for other big non-tech corps as well) where tech culture is generally on poor side.

edit: grammar

Obviously neither me nor you can generalize -- both extremes exist.

Given the chance I'd likely collect a fat paycheck and bail out at the end of the contract as those other people did. But that attitude is responsible for the increasingly awful mess that modern software is becoming.

Almost everyone is at fault, me included. The perverted incentives of today's world are only making things worse.

Hah true dat. Been my life for the last couple of years :-D Managed to pull through a project that “failed” two times and was 2.5 years behind schedule...

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