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I don't believe whether or not using TS has to do with the rest of your stack, but more about data consistency and the like.

I for one am building a large CRUD application with dozens of models spanning hundreds of fields, and Typescript is helping me (though not a panacea) keeping things correct.

I'm comparing it to a project I did years ago, first Backbone, then Angular, but both before 'typesave JS' was a thing, and that one relied heavily on reading and comparing keys and a deep knowledge of the domain.

But nearly ten years later, I don't have the mental capacity for that anymore and I need the crutches that typed languages offer me. By crutches I mean securities, safeguards and IDE assistance.

It makes sense for anything nontrivial IMO. Types allow you to be able to free up mental space. You can trust the type checker instead of having to rely on your own abilities.

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