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161 ms is 1/6th of a second which I would have thought would be noticeable and yet I haven't noticed it. I assume that is mouse clicks?

I'm sure Id notice if typing had that much lag on vs code. I am using manjaro Linux but I can't imagine that it would be much faster than osx.

Fighting gamers are generally able to block overhead attacks (so they see the attack and successfully react by going from blocking low to blocking high, after waiting for the delay caused by software and the LCD monitor and their own input device) that take 20 frames or more. That's 333ms. So I think if you were really paying attention to the input delay instead of trying to write software you would end up noticing delays around the 160ms level, idk.

333ms is ages! I can react way faster than that on a touchscreen. I bet you can too:


Yes. The players are trying to react to a bunch of other things, not just 1 possible move. It's in this context that 20 frames is the cutoff where moves start to be considered "fake" (i.e. getting hit is an unforced error)

Just trying in VS Code again, and there does seem to be a lag for mouse clicks. Not sure if its as much as 1/6s, but probably 1/10. Typing though looks as snappy as any terminal.

I get electron or MS have optimised the typing path. I don't click that much in VS Code so I don't think its ever bothered me.

Typing in VSCode is high latency as well, I find it viscerally unpleasant to use solely due to this. There's already a ticket: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/27378

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