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I don't think young JS devs know nothing else. There are still good programs out there, & you only need to experience it once

I get annoyed with Windows having the cursor randomly stutter for a split second rather than smooth motion. Or Teams taking half a second to load the conversation I clicked on. Or Powershell taking 3 seconds between initial render & giving me a damn prompt. Or the delay between me pressing the Windows button & the start menu appearing. None of these delays exist on my Linux machine where I've had the freedom to select the programs I use

I've made fast UIs with Javascript & React. Like all optimization it comes down to sitting down & profiling. Not taking "this is as fast it it can be" as an answer. In short, saying "Javascript is just slow" is part of the problem

Blaming languages is chasing a fad. I deal with it when people think the service I'm working on in Ruby is going to be slow because Ruby is slow. Nope, architectures are slow. If you know what you're doing Ruby will do just fine at doing nothing, which is really the trick behind speed

While what you say is fair, let me introduce an additional nuance:

Languages like JS and Ruby make it easier to write slower code (and harder to detect that you're doing it) by the virtue of how their ecosystem and culture turned out with time.

I stood behind the romantic statement of "you are holding it wrong" when I was younger but nowadays it seems to me that the languages live and die by the culture of their communities. It rarely if ever matters if the language itself can be better / faster.

So while I agree JS/Ruby might have undeserved reputation for being slow, I think you should also agree that they are easy targets because observably a lot of software written with them is in fact slow.

I am looking at it empirically / historically while you are postulating a theoretical construct. I don't disagree with you per se but prefer to work with the reality that's in front of me.


That being said, kudos for being the exception in the group of the JS devs! The web frontend industry needs much more people like yourself. Keep up the good work. <3

Your windows cursor shouldn't stutter unless you have io interupt problems, bad drivers etc.

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