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I do not miss the US banking system... with my bank in the EU, I can block merchants, approve or deny direct debits (ACH equivalent), and I’ve set my debit card with two pins: one draws from my account, and the other from my joint account.

And direct debits and transfers are free ( barring potential currency exchange )

Could you share what bank this is?

Couldn't see anything about merchant blocking on there. This would be an excellent feature (I like control). I signed up years ago and never really used Bunq as I didn't see what it added.

How have you found support? I've found Monzo to be fairly lacklustre as they've grown, so considered making my Starling my primary. However, Starling don't really have any particularly exciting features that would motivate me to switch.

Edit: Their site no longer accepts UK numbers. Yet again, FUCK BREXIT.

Edit 2: Managed to reactivate my account, and for obvious reasons they don't seem to support FPS or have an account number either, so not really great for a primary UK account.

> How have you found support?

There was one time an ATM machine ate my money. Ten minutes later I got my money back, after sending pics of the error, receipt, etc.

The only other time was trying to set my son’s account up and I screwed it up pretty bad and accidentally created duplicate accounts.

> they don't seem to support FPS

It adheres to the Dutch and EU instant payments system, I don’t know how compatible that is with the UK’s. I can send you a £ and you can send me a £ and we can see how long it takes to get there.

> or have an account number either

As in you don’t have an IBAN?

Aye, I forgot it was EU only rather than EU+UK (ala Revolut), and as a UK resident it would be a bit silly having my primary account be an EU one (if even allowed).

I like Revolut, a bit expensive now that flying isn't a thing anymore (I loved their lounge access).

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