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> there was an update after the sentence you pointed out saying “ Update: My accounts have been reactivated.”

I wasn't aware of that, but are you aware that very little time has passed? The post was written based on the the incomplete information available to the author. Do you expect the author to have rewritten everything based on the accounts suddenly having been restored after the post was published? Most likely Apple itself scrambled to reactive the accounts quickly when they saw this going viral. Maybe the author will have a follow-up later.

I don’t want to drag this more, but it seems like you didn’t get my point at all. All I wanted was for the author to say what happened or at the very least add a sentence in that terse update that more details would follow. If a Twitter thread (which is where this originated) could be written up as a post, certainly one more sentence could be written up in the update (since the author did have time to add an update) so readers would know whether to check again or not for more details. It’s really not too much to ask.

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