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There is a mention of an Apple trade-in. My Apple experiences are generally amazing but my wife recently did a trade-in on her old watch through Apple. It was handled by an outside company and they screwed up like 4 times. Total nightmare -- do not do a trade-in unless it's in person. You will have very little recourse if something goes wrong.

> It was handled by an outside company and they screwed up like 4 times.

This is an interesting observation. So there may have been at least 3 companies involved in this situation: Apple, Goldman Sachs, and the company that handles trade-ins for Apple.

Each company has own bureaucracy, and if you combine those 3 bureaucracies together, you get a tangled mess that's impossible to untie.

Just found the name of this company, unsure if they handled his Mac trade or not: https://phobio.com/tradein/apple/status

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