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I wonder how much of this is caused by the interplay between Apple and Goldman Sachs complicating things. Normally when I deal with Apple support it's relatively smooth. Just today I worked through an issue that required patiently responding to the scripted Q&A with a first-line tech, who escalated me to a tier 2 tech that very much knew what he was doing. Ultimately he was as baffled as I was about what was broken, but we were able to find a workaround that fixed it even so. But he was very knowledgeable, very courteous, and I was actually pretty impressed by the whole experience. But no third-party support had to be involved, nor anything to do with the presumably highly regulated financial industry, and maybe that's a key difference.

Goldman Sachs isn't the entity that locked his Apple accounts.

That's true, but I've noticed that any customer service that even touches the Apple Card feels a lot more like dealing with, well, a credit card company than it does Apple's other departments.

In my experience it's the Goldman complexity where the friction is coming from. Exhibit A (A Comedy of Support Errors): https://breckyunits.com/appleCard.png

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