A percentage of future earnings is a good fee repayment structure. This incentivises the bootcamps to make grads employable.
A few bootcamps in the UK are being sued by former graduates who couldn't secure a guaranteed job after a year. Note that in the UK, university fees are £9k for a Master's whereas bootcamps cost £4k. Bootcamps still work out cost-effectively as they can be taken as evening classes and there's fewer months of living expenses to pay for (3 months for a bootcamp vs 12 months for a Master's)
A few bootcamps in the UK are being sued by former graduates who couldn't secure a guaranteed job after a year. Note that in the UK, university fees are £9k for a Master's whereas bootcamps cost £4k. Bootcamps still work out cost-effectively as they can be taken as evening classes and there's fewer months of living expenses to pay for (3 months for a bootcamp vs 12 months for a Master's)