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If you run a business, the same point (clarity of focus) is specifically applicable for receiving client referrals as well. I'm in a fairly broad industry (business coaching) and I have colleagues who, variously, work with businesses from solopreneurs to listed multi-nationals, across countless industries, 27 countries (and counting), and on projects that range from cashflow management to cultural purpose and intent. I can, and have, helped businesses with all of that myself.

But if I asked you for a referral and told you I was looking for a business of any size in any industry in any country that needed any guidance, how many would come to mind? Zero, or at least none that you felt were specific enough to refer to me. In fact, you probably wouldn't refer to me because it sounds like I'm saying I can do everything and that's probably (and actually) not true.

Alternatively: "I am looking for young, energetic business owners in London, turning over £2M-£20M per annum and looking to grow by learning from someone else's experience".

How many come to mind now? Probably still none, especially if you're not in London. But for the people who can make the right referral for me, the specific definition of my ideal client makes it easier to understand who I want an introduction to, and for them to make that introduction.

So whether for a job or your next client, I whole-heartedly agree that knowing what you ideally want and being able to articulate that will lead to results.

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