I like the general idea very much. unfortunately in Germany where I like it is almost impossible to achieve. outside of city limits it is forbidden to build a house, even if the property is yours and inside city limits and a permit and that one you can not get with off grid concepts. connection to the road, electricity, water and waste water is mandatory. even people who produce zero waste MUST pay for waste collection. saw an article once where a family planted a tree in the waste bin. Still had to pay for having it not collected.
Construction permission is different from state to state. At least in Bavaria, water and waste water can be independent from the grid. Electricity is funny, because off grid is allowed, you still seem to have to pay taxes and grid fees (I could be wrong here, never dug to deep here). Having a road, yeah, you want to get to your house, don't you?
Cabins and such need a permit, or have to grandfathered. There is even a way to treat them as a "non-permanent" building.
That sounds quite harsh. It generally fits with the idea that “Europe is a museum, the US is a factory”. You aren’t allowed to mess up the museum, you’re just supposed to appreciate it. However I can’t imagine that Germany doesn’t allow cabins, lake houses, weekend homes etc anywhere?
For cabins, the property has to be zoned as a recreational space. On agricultural land the structure you build has to be with an agricultural purpose and you can only apply for such a building permit when you are a registered farmer.
Pretty much everything is regulated in Germany which sucks at times, but also this is the reason why things work quite well even though we are densely populated.
You also pay for the waste you probably produce, gypsum/metal, not the waste pickup specifically. I pay waste fee on three properties, it's ok I guess if those services weren't around it would be harder to take care of my waste.