Your card is based on Fermi, an architecture that's no longer supported by NVIDIA since a long while now (last drivers in 2018, you're on a legacy branch).
That means that apps using newer versions of CUDA will not work, and your hardware is also far too old to use OptiX.
Put in another way, your current GPU is slower than the one in a Nintendo Switch...
> Fermi ... (last drivers in 2018, you're on a legacy branch).
IYO, is there any value to using legacy nvidia-driver-390 over X.Org?
> apps using newer versions of CUDA will not work, and your hardware is also far too old to use OptiX.
Will look to see if apps I use avail of my CUDA cores, else I'd prefer to remove this sole proprietary driver from my old-and-busted workstation.
Thanks again for saving me time. I’ll re-de-prioritize further GPU config hacking, though if you have suggestions for a Nintendo Switch-to-FireWire 800 interface, please share.
> IYO, is there any value to using legacy nvidia-driver-390 over X.Org?
nouveau doesn't support compute at all on those... (as in OpenCL).
Also, as far as I remember, rechecking work on Fermi didn't seem to be implemented the last time that I played with one (it is implemented for the later generation, Kepler, though)
> Will look to see if apps I use avail of my CUDA cores
If your app is compiled against CUDA 8.0 or earlier, targeting compute capability 2.1, it'll work on Fermi. That excludes any kind of modern binaries.
(the newest compiler that CUDA 8 supported was GCC 5.3...)
More recent apps can either be built with an old compiler + C++ library... or use OpenCL instead.
Thanks again - I appreciate these details. Blender's not seeing cores available for OpenCL, either.
>> "No compatible GPUs found for path tracing. Cycles will render on CPU."
I'll research Fermi for OpenCL and Cycles Render Devices. Blender's working well, so I'll resist the urge tweak until that's no longer the case, and hope to spend more time exploring 2.92.
That means that apps using newer versions of CUDA will not work, and your hardware is also far too old to use OptiX.
Put in another way, your current GPU is slower than the one in a Nintendo Switch...