That file runs a few hundred lines of old school assembly in order to bring us into the modern era. Towards the end of the file you'll notice it starts calling functions that are written in C which configure memory:
After it configures memory, the ape.S file is able to call _start(). It also sets a bit in __hostos so that functions like write() know to use the serial port instead of issuing system calls: That's the simplest possible example of a driver with spin locks which uses the x86 IN/OUT instructions.
If you want to take a dive off the deep end right now with Cosmopolitan on metal -- simulated -- then try the following build commands on your Linux terminal:
git clone
cd cosmopolitan
make -j8 o//examples/
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 16 -nographic -fda o//examples/
sed -i -e 's/USE_SYMBOL_HACK 0/USE_SYMBOL_HACK 1/' ape/ape.S
make -j8 o//examples/ o//tool/build/
o//tool/build/ -rt o//examples/
Those concepts are implemented in the Cosmopolitan codebase here:
That file runs a few hundred lines of old school assembly in order to bring us into the modern era. Towards the end of the file you'll notice it starts calling functions that are written in C which configure memory:
After it configures memory, the ape.S file is able to call _start(). It also sets a bit in __hostos so that functions like write() know to use the serial port instead of issuing system calls: That's the simplest possible example of a driver with spin locks which uses the x86 IN/OUT instructions.
If you want to take a dive off the deep end right now with Cosmopolitan on metal -- simulated -- then try the following build commands on your Linux terminal: