Nah, I was surprised. ZBrush has an extensive toolset specifically for creating machinima. You won't want to do CAD with it, obviously, but ZBrush isn't a CAD tool.
It's a common misconception that ZBrush is for organics. You can create some badass space marine type mechs.
I respect Blender and like it a lot. I just don't think it can do anything close to what you see in that video. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
Artists love Blender, and that's good enough of a reason to stick with it. I was just hoping to see more of this style of modeling, since it was the only style that made intuitive sense to me personally.
EDIT: (Sadly, it looks like Eat3D is now offline. It was such a fantastic series. Perhaps "Zbrush Hardsurface Techniques" is a sufficient replacement though. Scrub through that, to random places, and you'll see exactly the sort of flexibility I'm talking about with ZBrush's flow.)
What I meant by 'mechanical parts' is not spaceships, but actual mechanical parts, like that you're going to send to a 3D printer or a 5 axis CNC machine.
Blender is actually good enough to handle this. Not as well as things like Fusion 360, obviously, but for simple parts, it works.
That's a little too broad of a statement IMO.
If you're building organic shapes / characters, then yes.
For mechanical parts, using ZBrush is torture.
Also: as others have pointed out, there's already quite a lot of ZBrush-type features in Blender.