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Apple WWDC 2011 Keynote Video (edgesuite.net)
27 points by acrum on June 6, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Steve is looking tired. He seems slower at walking and less animated when speaking. But he loves what he does so much that he'll keep doing it until he drops dead on the stage or in the office. It must be inspirational to a lot of people in battling similar illnesses.

Any way to view this video on Win7 without downloading QuickTime?

VLC. I'm not totally sure if this will work for everyone or if it just was generated for me, but this is the rtsp address it uses (and it works in VLC for me).


Link didn't work for me

This worked, thanks!

After a few days there is usually an mp4 file of the keynote published on the podcast feed for the Apple Keynotes. Someone will usually share the link then.

It's now on Apple's Youtube channel.


So much for the open web.

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