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Smoothstep.io, a Shader Animation Tool (smoothstep.io)
156 points by bwidlar on Feb 26, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

This is really nicely done. The examples on the welcome screen are very good too.

If you're looking for relatively 'easy' features to add, I'd love to be able to preview in fullscreen. Awesome work!

Anyone on iOS who wants to try this and got a WebGL 2.0 error

Settings> Safari > Advanced > Experimental Features > "WebGL 2.0"

On iPhone 12 with iOS 14.4, it works after enabling WebGL 2.0. But raytracing example shows lots of weird black pixels. It looks like shadows rays are self intersecting with the object.

Wow, this is really neat. It would be cool if there were a way to export the "animation" timeline as a function (in GLSL or JavaScript) so that it is possible to use these animations anywhere I can use WebGL. (Apologies if this is already a feature and I've missed it)

Not really an alternative, but another way of making animations on the web, this one with tf.js backend and a graphical user interface:



Note: Each node can be opened to view the source graph/code by right clicking and choosing open.

Nice website. It was only not clear to me what the home page was or how I could browse a list of examples or other peoples work. But maybe that association is just because i'm used to shadertoy.

Obligatory mentions:

shadertoy.com is a "newgrounds + github for shaders", with a large collection of user-created content that runs inside the browser. Easy to look and modify source code, too.

Shadron. Really nice desktop tool for creating shaders.

Nice, would be good to have user profiles with list of creations and ability to clone like codepen.io does.

or shadertoy? https://www.shadertoy.com/

(author - I like your site!)


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