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This has got to be my favorite astroturfing conspiracy. Imagine the US government paying people to convince the oh so important programmers at HackerNews that their jet fighter is effective.

If that's you're favorite astroturfing conspiracy, what's your favorite astroturfing reality? Was it Microsoft astroturfing blogs in 2014?


Or perhaps it was astroturfing of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America?


Or perhaps the energy industry?


But certainly its an unhinged conspiracy that government and the military would push their own narratives via astroturfing. Everyone knows they have far too much respect for how they spend our taxpayer dollars and they have far too much integrity to be so devious. Certainly all of the stalwart defenders of the F-35 that pop up on every internet forum and message board to sing the praises of that boondoggle must be sincere.

They might not be sincere but part of me is becoming tempted to start defending The F-35 just to get a rise out of people like you.

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