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For me, one of the deep pleasures of camping is the "you'll live" revelations. Or travel in general.

Beautiful places are still beautiful in bad weather. Often less crowded to boot. If things get really bad, the car is dry and has a heater and there are lessons for proper equipment needs for next time.

I mean it's a multi-year project. Statistically, the weather isn't going get much better, nor is six month forecasting tied to a specific weekend.

Camping skill is the only practical area for improvement. The only one in a camper's control...and to be cliche, most of that skill is mindset.

Short of lightning strikes, grizzly bears, and freezing, I'll live through the weather. Good weather is nice, but it's not a need unless I need something to worry and complain about.

There's satisfaction in a tent that keeps the rain out and a bag that keeps the warm in that is harder to find at home with its running water, electric range, and shingled roof. Maybe it's I don't much think "you'll live" there. Because I don't have to pay much attention.

That's a fair point. I've been wanting to get into more hardcore camping (compared to the campsite, gravel-lot camping most of the people I know do), and it'll only make things easier from the planning/reservation perspective. I think I'll take your "you'll live" attitude and try to get more serious this year. Thanks for the advice!

I am not hardcore. I prefer a site with electric in a ground with hot showers...all things reasonably comparable. What I learned is that they are not bright line features.

Same with weather.

Even if it’s not wrong, Yellowstone is still Yellowstone...so to speak.

Anyway if you go to the Hoh Rainforest, you might get rain...I paid the dumb tax on that. I lived.

I love that about camping. Really pares life down to the essentials, and sometimes you find the essentials aren't what you thought they were.

As for weather, turns out it changes a lot! That's sort of the nature of weather. :) Unless you're mired in a stubborn stationary front, or a deep low that came from the ocean, you'll have different weather on night two.

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