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Forcing formula is not abuse but neglect, unless done due to medical conditions. Don't fight evolution, formula is harder to digest. Why are you peddling pseudo science over here.

This is exactly the attitude the above poster is complaining against. Breast feeding is probably better than formula in a few small ways, but treating formula use as “neglect” creates a harmful burden on new - and already stressed - mothers.

If breast feeding is difficult, feed your child formula. They will turn out just fine.

Facts are not attitude. I am not talking to mothers, as not my business. However peddling pseudo science should be opposed.

I agree. The claim the formula feeding is neglect is not supported by the science. So please don’t spread that pseudoscience opinion.

Formula feeding is associated with adverse health outcomes for both mothers and infants, ranging from infectious morbidity to chronic disease. Given the compelling evidence for differences in health outcomes, breastfeeding should be acknowledged as the biologic norm for infant feeding. Physician counseling, office, and hospital practices should be aligned to ensure that the breastfeeding mother-infant dyad has the best chance for a long, successful breastfeeding experience.

Source - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2812877/

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