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I'd actually like a mod the other way round: There are a bunch of great mechanical keyboards (such WASD V3, daskeyboard prime or many other amazing custom builds) but they are all wired. I don't know why they don't make proper mechanical wireless keyboards (they are bulky enough that a battery should easily find space). But a wireless conversion mod would be the next best thing.

Due to my (unchangeable) desk situation, wired keyboards aren't really a possibility, so this is a real gap in the market for me and I was quite surprised, given the extreme multitude of keyboard models in the world, that I wasn't able to find one (or even have one custom built within a reasonable price range) that ticked all the boxes.

Unfortunately, my electronics talent is by far not good enough to attempt something like the linked article (but in reverse, as it were).

I posted this [1] a few days ago [2], but there are a few custom, wireless, mechanical, ergonomic keyboards.

e.g. Redox-W which falba.tech (Poland) will provide assembled if you need that [3]. It's not cheap though.

For a DIY method, start at [4] or [5].

[1] https://aposymbiont.github.io/split-keyboards/

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26179311

[3] https://falba.tech/19644-2/

[4] https://www.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/ht0pb6/c...

[5] https://github.com/joric/nrfmicro/wiki/Alternatives

Hey, thanks for the list. I'm actually into "non-ergonomic" (traditional) full-size mechanical keyboards, and even there, I haven't really found one that does fully customizable work (keys, colors, switches - no manufacturer logos) and is wireless. Do you have a recommendation for this, too? If so, I'd be grateful!

Give it a shot! I bet you could figure something out, maybe starting with this guide. https://teaandtechtime.com/custom-60-percent-bluetooth-keybo...

Most mechanical keyboards fans prefer to use PS/2 connectors instead of USB because of latency, it's unlikely they will accept wireless any time soon.

This is true for me, but I don't think it is true for the majority of mechanical keyboard fans. I do however wish it was easier to output PS/2 with custom firmware like QMK used in this post. I've even hoarded some PS/2 cables for when that day finally comes.

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