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Lulzsec Leaks Source Code of Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Network (thehackernews.com)
40 points by unixroot on June 6, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Its just a websites source code, no actual code to the PSN. It does have a SSLCert, but it looks like it expired in 2004. Looks like the dump is an older revision of the website.

The last modified file is from 2008-07-17 02:14 (config.xml)

This seem to be a copy of an svn tag from tech.scedev.net/source/scedev_source/tags/20080616-33/scedev

It appears to be a snapshot of a smarty installation, so the most interesting stuff is actually in the database.

EDIT: Also, they seem to piggyback on HTTP authentication, and there is a snippet suggesting that they are using unsalted md5 passwords. Ouch.

Pretty boring chunk of PHP..

    $ cloc .
        2866 text files.
        2752 unique files.                                          
       12473 files ignored.

    http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.51  T=9.0 s (217.8 files/s, 40512.2 lines/s)
    Language                     files          blank        comment           code
    PHP                           1508          29776          56381         166846
    Javascript                     195           8880           5486          40783
    HTML                            70           1050            477           9115
    CSS                             93           1473            732           8103
    Bourne Shell                    13            772            917           5267
    XML                              7           1418            177           3878
    SQL                              4           1550           3707           3515
    C                               10            590            924           3317
    Perl                            20            589            463           2738
    Python                           6            376            870           1493
    m4                               3            192              2           1008
    C/C++ Header                     3            173            145            930
    ASP.Net                          4             44              0            156
    Ruby                            21             38             97             84
    make                             2             12              5             26
    YAML                             1              2             15             18
    SUM:                          1960          46935          70398         247277

Hmm it is kind of interesting. You could probably infer a lot about current structures assuming they heavily reuse old ones, which is likely, come on its Sony, the last month or two has defined their track record there.

Fun... who wants to read some legacy PHP code?!

could someone verify this? Im at work, and cant download it.

If its true, I think there will be a LOT more cheaters...

It's a website source code, nothing to do with PSN.

It's annoying me how people keep mentioning PSN with these Lulz hacks.

They haven't hacked PSN, and probably won't be able to either. They are hacking Sony's side project websites.

Who actually used sonypictures.com? I had never even heard of it before this series of hacks.

dude, I said Im at work, and cant download it. I didnt knew it was just the website.

And just because they havent done it yet, doesnt mean they will never hack the psn itself.

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