He talks a bit about it in the article too: "At a high level we are planning to tackle problems in three broad areas: The mobile devices themselves; the services they connect to; and the networks that connect them. On the device side, we are looking at a wide range of OS, network stack, and browser enhancements to improve performance. On the service side, we are looking at better ways to architect websites for mobile clients, providing tools to help web developers maximize their performance, and automatic optimizations that can be performed by a site or in a proxy service. Finally, at the network layer we are looking at the (sometimes painful) interactions between different layers of the protocol stack and identifying ways to streamline them."
Isn't he greatly understating the significance of mobile browser performance? Isn't it the #1 blocker right now? Mobile browsers parse javascript much slower than on the desktop. Even the iPad can't keep up with a lot of simplistic canvas games. Google needs a team dedicated to fixing this problem.