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I think it's more important that comments be specific, actionable, and timely than it is that they be associated with some commitment from the commenter. "Let me know how I can help" is not bad because it lacks commitment. It's bad because it's not specific. It puts the burden on the person receiving it to fill in the blanks. Similarly, "have you thought of X" is often (not always) bad because it's not actionable and/or timely. It might be literally impossible. It might be infeasible in light of available resources. It might have been a good idea before the last five choices were made, or it might just have too little effect too late to do any good. But none of this has anything to do with whether the person offering the comment has any skin in the game.

I've been helped immensely by people around me who have given me their own ideas, or others' ideas wrapped up in a paper, which I could then apply myself immediately and to good effect. I like to think I've done the same for others a time or two. That's not "making" but it's still genuinely helpful.

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