I went to an optometrist and got a prescription. I actually went to two different optometrists and one of them misdiagnosed me. My prescription is extremely minimal, +1.25 on one eye and -1.25 on the other or something like that but it makes all the difference. If your eyes are extremely strained you may need to ask for the extremely strong eye relaxant drops when you visit your optometrist.. and warn him or her that you may have minus eyes. Apparently it's hard to properly diagnose minus eyes without doubling up on the eye drops.
Weren't blue-light filtering glasses proved to be with no known benefits? E.g. [1].
Personally, I'm very sensitive to light and get frequent debilitating headaches. Blue light filter changes very little for me. Making the whole screen just red with something like flux (together with my glasses that also block blue light) might help around 5-10%, but the migraine still comes full force (maybe 10-15m later).
I think your experience with migraines can hardly inform a typical person's experience with blue-light filters and a random hidden camera exposé is not really going to "prove" anything. Also, flux is aimed at sleep regulation, where blue-light filtering is aimed at claimed damage reduction and increased acuity.
However, there do seem to be no studies proving efficacy, indeed.
> I think your experience with migraines can hardly inform a typical person's experience with blue-light filters
I would guess it's the opposite--because I'm extremely sensitive to light in general, I'd think if blue-light filters were effective, they'd be even more effective on me, which they aren't.
> Also, flux is aimed at sleep regulation
People seem to equate "less blue light" with "better" and yet when I make my screen dark orange/red, it does nothing.
Also note that I said something like Flux.
Last but not least, my glasses also have blue-light filter in them. So I'm reducing blue light with both HW and SW and it has very minuscule effect on me, personally.
Of course, it's anecdotal experience and nothing more. But I get an eye twitch when I see stuff like "blue filter is a game changer". Sounds like placebo to me.