> If you're working on your own personal projects/startup, most of the time you aren't gonna choose Java
... for some values of "you", apparently ;) Lucene, Hadoop, Cassandra, Hudson/Jenkins, RapidMiner, GWT and a gazillion other best of breed open source projects have selected Java, for better or for worse.
That's funny, apparently I'm getting downvoted repeatedly for having the nerve to say that FOSS Java projects are not a minority. The irony is that I left Java behind for Python seven years and never looked back.
If I was taking this votes/points/karma thing seriously I would be rather pissed, now I'm just laughing at the rabid fanboyism.
... for some values of "you", apparently ;) Lucene, Hadoop, Cassandra, Hudson/Jenkins, RapidMiner, GWT and a gazillion other best of breed open source projects have selected Java, for better or for worse.