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> If you're working on your own personal projects/startup, most of the time you aren't gonna choose Java

... for some values of "you", apparently ;) Lucene, Hadoop, Cassandra, Hudson/Jenkins, RapidMiner, GWT and a gazillion other best of breed open source projects have selected Java, for better or for worse.

I never said all, I said most. Lucene, Hadoop and Cassandra are in the minority.

I doubt that Java open source projects are in the minority. GitHub [1] is far from a representative sample of the whole FOSS activity.

[1] https://github.com/languages

That's funny, apparently I'm getting downvoted repeatedly for having the nerve to say that FOSS Java projects are not a minority. The irony is that I left Java behind for Python seven years and never looked back.

If I was taking this votes/points/karma thing seriously I would be rather pissed, now I'm just laughing at the rabid fanboyism.

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