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A Brief Overview of the Clojure Web Stack (brehaut.net)
93 points by icey on June 3, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Very comprehensive, although I feel that some mention of gcv's appengine-magic is called for, since deploying to Google App Engine is a very attractive prospect for a Clojure web project. https://github.com/gcv/appengine-magic. It's excellent, my web site is based on it.

This needs to be a prominent part of any major clojure web tutorial. Most tutorials are horrible and already assume a basic understanding as outlined here.

Fantastic writeup.

Great article. It's too bad the code samples weren't syntax highlighted; I had a hard time following along in monochrome and ended up just skimming most of the code.

I'll look into fixing then. Do you have any suggestions for good syntax highlighting to use from either clojure or javascript?

There was a thread on this subject in the clojure google group:


It's a bit of a sidetrack but you can use the same javascript library from both sides :


I'd look at possibly using Google code's "Prettify". It lists both Clojure and Common Lisp as supported languages and is dead simple to use. http://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/

Lots of people like to use embedded gists which seem to work fine, but I use http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Htmlize from Emacs.

If you can - could you elaborate some more on DB interaction from Clojure. For example I dont completely understand There are no SQL/Relational DB ORMs for Clojure for obvious reasons. I particularly also ask this, because most Clojure web tutorials are written with GAE or NOSQL in mind.

The obvious reason for no Object/Relational Mappers in Clojure is that while Clojure has objects available, it doesn't orient around them. It makes much more sense to treat a set of records from the DB as a sequence of maps.

For DBs and Clojure in general I can only speak about CouchDB via Clutch and SQL via ClojureQL and clojure.contrib.SQL. I don't want to claim to be an expert in either of these technologies, but if you have some more specific questions i'm happy to do my best to answer them. you might find some answers about couch in an older post of mine http://brehaut.net/blog/2010/couch_impedance

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