The problem is the insistence on the existence of particles at the quantum level. We know that quanta propagate like waves, but interact with classical level systems in discrete units. So we need to stop believing in discrete particles with distinct properties at the quantum level and come up with an explanation of why quantum waves appear particle-like at the classical level. Probably the answer will involve the way in which de-coherence occurs when a large number of quanta are involved.
Replace particles with fields in which particles are the result of excitation in the fields. Fields are the fundamental stuff of reality, and particles are emergent from field interactions.
> Fields are the fundamental stuff of reality, and particles are emergent from field interactions.
I'm not sure in what sense it is a reality. On observable scale the reality seems to be more tied to particles, at least in our human understanding. Wave-particle duality concept to me seems just as hard to reconcile as the concept of irrationality or infinity.
These concepts work well to power our present explanation of the world around, yet can't naturally root in human brain (not mine at least).
Fields are continuous. E.g. electromagnetic field in the classic electrodynamics is continuous. But its waves, photons, show quantum, discrete properties — see the photo effect. It would be easy if there were some common grid, but it's not the case. You can make photons with whatever energy from a continuous spectrum, but photons of each frequency will carry its own quantum (Latin for "amount") of energy, in discrete portions.
Why is this happening? That's the question worth 1000 Nobel prizes.
This is the how, not the why. That is, it's not a (more general) model from which quantization follows. Obtaining such a model would be a major breakthrough, provided that it's falsifiable in humanly-attainable conditions (unlike the string theory).
This answer to this is actually known and is a consequence of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Here's a youtube video about it:
Of course, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a mathematical description of observed behaviour so one could rightly argue that it doesn't really explain anything - it merely describes things.
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle should probably be put the rest at this point. From the beginning it was more "capturing" our inability to move beyond the physics as we know it. It's like tying your shoe laces. I always found it fascinating how firmly most physicists believe in the equations someone came up with, just because it agree with measurements. I mean that's real nice and all, but just because something agrees with measurements, doesn't make it a fact. There are literally infinite ways to create equations that satisfy measurements. But sure, a few decades of research in the early 20th century and that's it. This is all we can do. Let's just accept that lol.
Our current models are only good until we find a better model that replaces them, one which can explain phenomena we observe , which the old model didn't.
So, yes, it's possible there is some physics "beyond" the one we know, and yes in order to go beyond what we know we have to consider the possibility that some of the stuff that lay at the foundation of the current physics is wrong (or, correct up to an approximation). And many working physicists are well aware of that fact and they do consider all the options on the table.
The problem is, you have to find something to replace it and it has to work.
Thinking about all crazy things is great. "Temporarily" throwing away some assumptions can be a productive thinking tool. The Heisenberg principle (like many other things) can be both something you want to keep and use as a foundation for other explorations, and it can be something you question. The field is made up of many people, not everybody should be working on the same thing on the same assumption; I think "putting ideas at rest at this point" should be relegated to old theories that have been fully superseded, and even then they can be still useful: even Newtonian mechanics can still be quite useful even if we know it falls short.
That's how all of physics is constructed. Even things you may think are obvious, like Newton's 3 laws of motion, are only accepted because they agree with our measurements. How else should we determine their validity?
> There are literally infinite ways to create equations that satisfy measurements.
There really aren't. You seem to be thinking of something like in the movie The Number 23. But we're talking about equations, not numbers. Take Newton's Second Law (f = m • a). What equation can you write that expresses that relationship that can't be simplified to f = m • a?
The uncertainty principles are inequalities, not equations. And that is something you can write with multiple forms.
As for equations, notice that many equations in Physics have a constant which turns a proportion to an equation. This is where you have leeway in constructing more or less arbitrary equations based on the variables you think are important enough to observe.
Coming to your example, Newton's f = ma equation is really f/m proportional to a. The units are chosen carefully to make the constant 1. This works under the assumption that mass is constant and acceleration is measured measured from a non accelerating frame of reference with non relativistic speeds. So, yes there are several other ways to write that equation.
We should distinguish between quantization, and "discrete particles with distinct properties." For example, the photoelectric effect demonstrates that light is quantized, but individual photons have no distinct identity whatsoever.
"Number of particles" is an observable like position, momentum, spin, etc. It is a quantum property which may or may not commute with other properties, and occupies the same conceptual space.
Number of quanta is observable. You can count photons.
OTOH it does not imply that a photon is a "particle" in the same sense a breadcrumb is, with a well-defined diameter, shape, or borders. It is a portion of energy of electromagnetic field that was sufficient to yank an election from a photo element's crystallic grid.
Lori Gardi, widely believed to be a crackpot, in my opinion has made a breakthrough in our interpretation od quantum mechanics.
If I understand her correctly, she proposes that the reason waves behave like particles is because they transfer energy essentially every zero-crossing : for example a photon is just one half of a wavelength of light.
She has a much more interesting explanation of what i am very poorly tryingto spit out here on youtube. Bear with, because honestly she is a whackadoo but she is a smart whackadoo.
The argument is: Planck's relation says that a photon's energy is in proportion to its frequency. But a higher-frequency photon oscillates more times per second. If you look at the energy of a single oscillation, you get a constant, regardless of frequency. This is remarkable and so we should reframe Planck's constant as the fundamental "energy per cycle."
The problem is that "energy of a single cycle" cannot be related to other measures of energy, e.g. the binding energy of an electron in the photoelectric effect. Basically it seems like unit sophistry.
Sophistry is a bit strong of a term in my opinion.
Physicists have received Nobels for inventing particles to balance equations. Why isn't that sophistry? Maybe we just need to spend a few more billion dollars on a brand new particle accelerator to figure that out.
Yes I watch her stuff as well I appreciate her work although its not always consistent video to video. I recommend people check out
Just a guess but I think this is probably where Lori got most of her inspiration at first