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> In other words, whenever you hear about a CPU with a "massive amount of cores" -- think "could make a great GPU", or "could make a great GPU with the right adjustments" -- from this point forward!

Before doing that, though, they should research the difference between SIMD and MIMD. Multi-core CPUs are generally MIMD, and GPUs are always SIMD†.

† If someone knows of a MIMD GPU architecture, please share!

-- researching this a bit now, the one thing I've found is the Intel Larrabee: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larrabee_(microarchitecture), cancelled and transmogrified into the xeon phi.

still haven't found a consumer graphics card with a MIMD architecture. I'm guessing there might be more on-going research in this area with the GPGPU on FPGA communities.

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