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django-ca is one way to manage a PKI including ACMEv2, OCSP, and a CRL (Certificate Revocation) list: https://github.com/mathiasertl/django-ca

"How can I verify client certificates against a CRL in Golang?" mentions a bit about crypto/tls and one position on CRLs: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37058322/how-can-i-verif...

CT (Certificate Transparency) is another approach to validating certs wherein x.509 cert logs are written to a consistent, available blockchain (or in e.g. google/trillian, a centralized db where one party has root and backup responsibilities also with Merkle hashes for verifying data integrity). https://certificate.transparency.dev/ https://github.com/google/trillian

Does docker ever make the docker socket available over the network, over an un-firewalled port by default? Docker Swarm is one config where the docker socket is configured to be available over TLS.

Docker Swarm docs > "Manage swarm security with public key infrastructure (PKI)" https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/how-swarm-mode-works/pk... :

> Run `docker swarm ca --rotate` to generate a new CA certificate and key. If you prefer, you can pass the --ca-cert and --external-ca flags to specify the root certificate and to use a root CA external to the swarm. Alternately, you can pass the --ca-cert and --ca-key flags to specify the exact certificate and key you would like the swarm to use.

Docker ("moby") and podman v3 socket security could be improved:

> From "ENH,SEC: Create additional sockets with limited permissions" https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/38879 ::

> > An example use case: securing the Traefik docker driver:

> > - "Docker integration: Exposing Docker socket to Traefik container is a serious security risk" https://github.com/traefik/traefik/issues/4174#issuecomment-...

> > > It seems it only require (read) operations : ServerVersion, ContainerList, ContainerInspect, ServiceList, NetworkList, TaskList & Events.

> > - https://github.com/liquidat/ansible-role-traefik

> > > This role does exactly that: it launches two containers, a traefik one and another to securely provide limited access to the docker socket. It also provides the necessary configuration.

> > - ["What could docker do to make it easier to do this correctly?"] https://github.com/Tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy/issues/13

> > - [docker-socket-proxy] Creates a HAproxy container that proxies limited access to the [docker] socket

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